Self Publishing An Activity Book | Izzard Ink

Self Publishing an Activity Book

November 10, 2020
April 28, 2021
self publishing a book
Table of Contents

Activity books are all the rage today, so if you're thinking of self-publishing an activity book, this is a great time to do it. What if you have an idea but you don't know how to self-publish a book? That's what Izzard Ink is here for! Our expert team will help you every step of the way, from start to finish.

Activity books have always been popular. They're ubiquitous birthday party gifts and you can find them under the Christmas tree in any house with children. Whether they're simple activities such as word puzzles, mazes, or origami, or more involved such as tie-dying a T-shirt or crocheting a hat, activity books are much loved by everyone.

In fact, today activity books have even become more common for adults, since so many people still must observe quarantine across the U.S. and spend a lot of time at home. The self-publishing market is ripe for your activity book.

Early Steps Within Self-Publishing a Book

Even though it's usually easier to create an activity book than write the great American novel, you still must go through some of the same steps with self-publishing. The first is identifying and developing your idea. Once you know what type of activity you want your book to be about, you must research your topic.

Has anyone else ever written an activity book that's similar to the one you have in mind? If so, how will yours be different?

The team at Izzard Ink can also help you pinpoint your target market. Is your idea a jewelry-making book for teenage girls? A book for elementary school-aged boys who want to make dinosaur models? Adult men who are interested in learning simple woodworking skills? Retired ladies who would love to make their own homemade soap?

What's Different About Self-Publishing an Activity Book?

While there are some similarities to the process of self publishing a traditional book and an activity book, there are important differences as well. The biggest is that the book will be highly illustrative, containing lots of photos and/or drawings. Color and design will play a big part in your book's success.

Another important consideration with self publishing an activity book is whether you will include supplies with it. Many activity books come with pens, pencils or paint, needlework supplies, clay or other types of artistic or building materials.

A Self-Publishing Company Can Help

Izzard Ink has helped authors self-publish books of all kinds for many years, but we're not just a vanity press; we help with all aspects of self-publishing a book, including design, distribution, marketing and more. We work side-by-side with you through the entire self-publishing process to help ensure your success.

If you have an idea for self-publishing an activity book — or any type of book — talk to us or download our free workbook.

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