Book Self-Publishing Company In USA | Izzard Ink



At Izzard Ink, we collaborate with ordinary authors to achieve extraordinary results. Your story is personal, and it needs a personalized approach.

Your Self Book Publishing Company

Embark on your book publishing adventure with comprehensive services. Everything you need is all in one place:

Get “A Plan” Manuscript Assessment

Get “Polished Editing” Package

Get “Out There” Marketing Options

Why Choose Izzard Ink - A Trusted Authority In Book Publishing

Total Control and Ownership

You retain complete control and 100% project ownership: your voice, your book, and your team.

 Elite Team Selection

Choose from a pool of the industry’s finest — 3 top-tier editors, cover designers, and book designers, all with experience from major publishing houses. We believe in matching you with a team that has the skills and resonates with your unique style and personality.

Comprehensive Support

Our journey with you goes beyond just publishing. From evaluating the viability of your manuscript to navigating the realms of international publishing and even the movie adaptation process, we are with you at every milestone.

Proven Processes, Exceptional Results

We employ the most effective and innovative industry processes behind the scenes. This operational excellence is our secret to transforming ordinary authors into extraordinary success stories.

Our Books Have Been Featured In

Non-Fiction Books

Fiction Books


Testimonials and Successes

When media outlets seek an authoritative voice in the book publishing industry or small business sector in the United States, they consistently turn to Izzard Ink. Renowned for our expertise and innovative approach, Izzard Ink has become a go-to source for insights and commentary on the evolving landscapes of publishing and small business. Our leadership, team members, and authors are often featured for their understanding of the industry’s trends, challenges, and opportunities.

More To Discover About Book Publishing With Izzard Ink

What is a book publisher?

A book publisher oversees the journey of a book from concept to market. They are involved in manuscript selection, editorial processes, design of layout and cover, and coordination of printing. Additionally, they strategize marketing and distribution to reach readers. Collaborating closely with author, publishers contribute resources and expertise to transform manuscripts into published books for public purchase.

  • Manuscript Assessment and Action Plan: Authors submit their manuscripts to publishers or literary agents with the goal of finding out if their manuscript is publishable.
  • Acquisition and Contract: A publisher decides to publish a manuscript and offers a contract to the author.
  • Editing: The manuscript undergoes various stages of editing to refine the content, structure, and language.
  • Design and Production: The book’s layout, cover design, and typesetting are finalized. The book is then printed and bound.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Strategies are developed to promote the book, which can include advertising, social media marketing, and book tours.
  • Distribution: The book is distributed to bookstores and other retail outlets, as well as online platforms.
  • Sales and Royalties: The book is sold, and the author receives royalties based on the sales.

Book Genre: Different genres may yield different sales figures.
Publishing Method
: Traditional vs. self-publishing; each has different royalty structures.
Market Demand: The book’s appeal to its target audience.
Author’s Marketing Efforts**: Strong marketing can significantly boost sales.
Book Pricing: Affects royalties and overall earnings.
Royalties: Percentage of book sales paid to the author. Traditional publishing typically offers lower royalties but a wider distribution network, while self-publishing offers higher royalties per book but requires more marketing from the author.
Earnings Range: From modest amounts for average books to substantial income for bestsellers.
At Izzard Ink
Earnings Spectrum: Some authors earn minimal amounts, others thousands monthly.
Exceptional Success: One author achieved over $1 million in monthly revenue, demonstrating the high earning potential in publishing.

The cost of publishing a book can significantly vary, influenced by factors like the publishing method (traditional, self-publishing, or collaborative models like Izzard Ink), required services (editing, design, marketing), and the book’s specifications. In self-publishing or collaborative models, expenses can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Izzard Ink’s services, for instance, average between $15,000 to $40,000, depending on the chosen packages. Traditional publishing usually doesn’t require upfront payment from authors, as these costs are typically borne by the publisher. Each publishing avenue has distinct impacts on potential earnings and rights ownership.

  • Write and Polish Your Manuscript: Ensure your book is the best it can be. This often involves revisions and possibly professional editing.
  • Research the Market: Understand the genre of your book and identify publishers or literary agents who specialize in that area.
  • Write a Query Letter and Synopsis: Craft a compelling query letter and a concise synopsis of your book to capture the interest of agents or publishers.
  • Submit to Agents or Publishers: Follow submission guidelines carefully when sending your manuscript or proposal.
  • Be Patient and Persistent: The publishing process can be slow, and rejection is common. Persistence is key.
  • Consider Feedback: If you receive feedback with a rejection, use it to improve your manuscript before submitting elsewhere.

Traditionally publishing a book typically takes between 18 months to 2 years from the time a publisher accepts the manuscript. This timeframe includes the processes of editing, design, printing, and marketing. However, it can vary depending on factors like the publisher’s schedule, the amount of editing required, and the book’s marketing strategy.

Publishing a book with Izzard Ink generally takes around 3 to 6 months. If a comprehensive marketing plan is included, the process may extend up to 9 months.

Self-publishing is a method where authors publish their books independently, without using traditional publishing houses. This approach allows authors to maintain complete control over the creative and publishing process, including editing, design, pricing, distribution, and marketing. Authors typically use platforms or services that facilitate various aspects of publishing and distribution. The key advantage of self-publishing is the retention of rights and potentially higher royalty rates compared to traditional publishing. However, it also requires authors to handle or outsource all aspects of the publishing process.

While authors usually keep the rights to their books, this can vary based on the specific terms set by the publishing service. At Izzard Ink, authors are assured 100% ownership of their work.

Self-publishing is a method where authors publish their books independently, without using traditional publishing houses. This approach allows authors to maintain complete control over the creative and publishing process, including editing, design, pricing, distribution, and marketing. Authors typically use platforms or services that facilitate various aspects of publishing and distribution. The key advantage of self-publishing is the retention of rights and potentially higher royalty rates compared to traditional publishing. However, it also requires authors to handle or outsource all aspects of the publishing process.

In the realm of traditional publishing, it’s not common for authors to pay the publisher. Traditional publishers profit from book sales, not from fees charged to authors. In contrast, collaborative publishing models, like the one employed by Izzard Ink, involve authors paying for services such as editing, design, and printing. Authors should thoroughly research and understand the terms and reputation of any publishing model they consider, to ensure it meets their publication goals and expectations.

The number of copies an average book sells can vary greatly. For most new authors, especially those who are self-published or with smaller publishers, selling a few hundred to a few thousand copies is typical. Bestsellers and books published by major publishing houses often have higher sales figures, potentially reaching into the tens or hundreds of thousands, or more. However, these figures are not the norm for the majority of published books. Keep in mind that sales also depend on factors like marketing, book genre, and author platform.

Royalties usually continue as long as the book is in print and selling, but specific terms can vary. The duration of a book’s copyright varies based on the laws of the country in which it’s registered. In the United States, for works created after January 1, 1978, the copyright typically lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. For works made for hire, anonymous, or pseudonymous works, the duration is 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation, whichever is shorter. Different rules may apply for works created before 1978 or in other countries.

Whether it’s better to self-publish or pursue traditional publishing depends on the author’s goals, resources, and preferences. Traditional publishing offers the advantage of professional editing, design, marketing, and distribution, but it can be highly competitive and offers less creative control. Self-publishing allows for full creative control, higher royalties, and a faster publishing process, but requires the author to handle or outsource editing, design, marketing, and distribution. Each path has distinct benefits and challenges, so the best choice varies for each author and project.

Writing a book can be profitable, but it varies widely based on factors like the book’s genre, the author’s marketing efforts, publishing method, and audience reach. Success in book publishing often requires not only writing skills but also marketing savvy, especially for self-published authors. Some authors achieve substantial financial success, while others may find it challenging to cover their initial costs. Profitability in book writing also depends on long-term sales and the author’s ability to leverage the book for other opportunities.

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No matter where you are on your publishing journey, we’re here to support and guide you toward success.

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