Ebook Self-Publishing Services For Independent Authors | Izzard Ink

Ebook Self-Publishing

Izzard Ink can maintain the integrity of your printed edition in your electronic book while giving readers the flexibility they want and need.

How Do You Get An Ebook Published

Publishing an ebook involves several key steps, from writing the manuscript to making it available for sale on digital platforms. Here’s a general guide to get you started:


Write Your Manuscript

  • Begin by writing your ebook. Focus on creating valuable, engaging content for your target audience.

Edit and Proofread

  • Thoroughly edit and proofread your manuscript. Consider hiring a professional editor to ensure your ebook is free of grammatical errors and is polished.

Design Your Ebook

  • Cover Design: Create an attractive and professional cover that reflects the content of your ebook. The cover is crucial for making a good first impression.
  • Formatting: Format your manuscript for ebook platforms. Use software like Adobe InDesign for layout and formatting to ensure it looks good on all devices. Many ebook publishers have specific formatting guidelines.

Choose a Publishing Platform

  • Decide on an ebook distributor (aggregator) or publish directly on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Apple Books for Authors, Barnes & Noble Press, Kobo Writing Life, etc.
  • Direct publishing platforms offer more control and higher royalties per sale but require you to manage each platform separately.

Obtain an ISBN

  • While optional for ebooks on certain platforms (e.g., Amazon KDP), having an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) can help with the distribution and tracking of your ebook across different sales channels.

Set Your Price

  • Determine your ebook’s price. Consider your target audience, the value of your content, and pricing strategies of similar ebooks in your genre. Many platforms offer royalty calculators to help you understand your potential earnings at different price points.

Upload Your Ebook

  • Prepare your manuscript and cover file according to the chosen platform’s specifications. Fill out your ebook’s details (title, description, keywords, categories) carefully, as they are critical for discoverability.

Publish and Promote

  • Once everything is set, publish your ebook. Promotion is key to its success, so plan a marketing strategy. This can include social media marketing, email newsletters, promotional offers, and gathering reviews to build credibility.

Monitor and Optimize

  • After publishing, monitor your sales and gather feedback. Use this information to optimize your marketing strategy and make any necessary adjustments to your ebook. For example updating the cover, description, or even the content itself for future editions.

Why Publish An Ebook With Us

Izzard Ink Benefits
Generic eBook Publishing
Full-service distribution across major online retailers and inclusion in the Ingram network.
Limited distribution, often restricted to specific platforms.
Comprehensive marketing services including SEO, consultations, and various promotional materials.
Basic or self-managed marketing without professional guidance.
Cover Design
Professional design with multiple concepts and revisions, including competitive analysis and print-on-demand formatting.
Generic templates or self-made designs without professional consultation.
Interior Design
Professional typesetting in Adobe InDesign, including layout for images and comprehensive design reviews.
Basic formatting tools without professional design services.
Personalized Service
A dedicated personal publishing consultant to guide you through each step.
Often self-service with limited personalized support.
Comprehensive review for typos and errors, including a final manuscript and design process proofread.
Basic or automated proofreading, if available.
Customization and Quality
High level of customization and focus on quality at every step.
Varies widely, with many DIY options prioritizing speed over quality.
Specialized Marketing Options
Advanced marketing options like professional book reviews, media training, and guest blogging opportunities.
Often limited to basic marketing tools or self-promotion strategies.
Comprehensive registration services including ISBN issuance and Library of Congress filing.
Often up to the author to manage independently.
Success Stories
Documented success stories with significant outcomes, like NPR features and editor's picks.
Success heavily dependent on individual author effort with less support.

Publishing an eBook with Izzard Ink offers a comprehensive, personalized, and professional service compared to generic eBook publishing paths. With Izzard Ink, authors receive high-level support, expertise, and a quality-focused publishing process. This makes it an attractive option for writers committed to their craft and invested in their book’s success.

Ebook Publishing Platforms

Royalty Rates
Distribution Channels
Pricing Flexibility
Promotional Tools
Exclusivity Requirements
User Reviews
Ease of Use
Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)
Up to 70%
Yes (Kindle Countdown Deals, Free Book Promotion)
Yes, for enrollment in KDP Select
Generally positive
Very High
Barnes & Noble Press
Up to 65%
Barnes & Noble
Mixed to positive
Apple Books
Up to 70%
Apple Books
Medium to High
Kobo Writing Life
Up to 70%
Kobo, plus global partners
Yes (Kobo Promotions Dashboard)

Platform Details:

  • Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing): With its vast market reach, Amazon KDP is ideal for accessing a large audience. The KDP Select program, though requiring exclusivity, offers higher royalties and promotional opportunities.
  • Barnes & Noble Press: Targeting a U.S. audience, Barnes & Noble Press provides competitive royalty rates without requiring exclusivity, making it appealing for authors seeking broader distribution.
  • Apple Books: Apple Books appeals to users within the Apple ecosystem, offering competitive royalty rates and access to a broad audience. However, its promotional tools are comparatively limited compared to Amazon.
  • Kobo Writing Life: Kobo has a significant international presence, offering access to the Canadian market and other global partners. The platform provides various promotional tools and competitive royalty rates.

Compatibility With All Devices

How Much Does It Cost To Publish An Ebook

The cost to publish an eBook can vary widely depending on the level of professional services used. At Izzard Ink, eBook publishing costs are included in the Get Ink’d Publishing Package at no extra charge. Here’s a breakdown of potential costs:

  1. DIY Publishing: Costs can be minimal, mainly your time, but software purchases may range from $0 to a few hundred dollars.
  2. Professional Editing: The cost for professional editing can range from $0.01 to $0.05 per word or more, depending on the editor’s experience and the depth of editing required. For a 60,000-word manuscript, this could range from $600 to $3,000 or more.
  3. Cover Design: Professional cover design can vary from $100 for a basic design to over $3,000+ for a custom, high-quality cover.
  4. Formatting and Typesetting: Professional eBook formatting can cost between $50 to $300, depending on the complexity of the book.
  5. ISBN Purchase: While not always necessary for eBooks, if you decide to purchase your own ISBN, the cost is around $125 for one ISBN in the United States. However, many platforms offer free ISBNs for eBooks published through their services.
  6. Marketing and Promotion: Costs here can vary immensely, from a few hundred dollars for basic marketing to several thousand dollars for more comprehensive marketing packages.
  7. Additional Services: Other potential costs include audiobook production, professional proofreading, and specialized marketing services like book reviews or social media campaigns.

Total Estimated Costs:

Low-End (Minimal Professional Services): $0 to $500

Mid-Range (Some Professional Services): $1,000 to $15,000

High-End (Full Professional Services): $15,000 or more

Ready to Make Your Move?

No matter where you are on your publishing journey, we’re here to support and guide you toward success.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ebook?

An eBook is a digital version of a book that can be read on computers, e-readers, and mobile devices. It offers features like adjustable text sizes and interactive links, making it a convenient and portable reading option.

Whether it’s better to self-publish or get a publisher depends on your goals, resources, and the level of control you want over the publishing process:

Self-Publishing Advantages:

  • Control: You maintain complete control over your book’s content, design, and marketing.
  • Royalties: Higher royalty rates compared to traditional publishing.
  • Speed: Faster publication process.

Self-Publishing Disadvantages:

  • Upfront Costs: You bear all costs for editing, design, marketing, and distribution.
  • Marketing and Distribution: You are responsible for marketing and distributing your book, which can be challenging without existing networks.

Traditional Publishing Advantages:

  • Professional Support: Access to professional editing, design, and marketing services.
  • Distribution: Publishers have established distribution channels, increasing your book’s reach.
  • Credibility: Being published by a recognized publisher can add credibility and prestige.

Traditional Publishing Disadvantages:

  • Control: Less control over your book’s final appearance and distribution.
  • Royalties: Lower royalty rates compared to self-publishing.
  • Time to Publish: The process from manuscript to published book can take much longer.


  • Self-Publish: If you want full control, higher royalties, and are willing to handle or pay for all aspects of the publishing process.
  • Traditional Publish: If you seek professional support, don’t mind sharing control, and prefer not to handle the business side of publishing.

Upon saving your eBook in a digital format, it automatically receives copyright protection, granting you exclusive rights. However, for enhanced protection, registering the copyright with a government body like the U.S. Copyright Office is advisable.

Registration provides legal evidence of your copyright, essential for infringement lawsuits, and offers eligibility for statutory damages and attorney’s fees. Though not mandatory, this step significantly strengthens your ability to enforce your rights and safeguard your work against unauthorized use.

Authors’ earnings from books versus eBooks vary depending on the publishing route, royalty rates, and sales volumes. In traditional publishing, physical book royalties typically range from 7% to 15% of the list price, whereas eBook royalties hover around 25%. Self-publishing offers even higher royalties, ranging from 30% to 60% for physical books and 35% to 70% for eBooks, depending on the platform and pricing strategy.

eBooks often yield higher profit margins due to lower production costs and the potential for higher sales volumes at lower prices. However, total revenue also depends on pricing strategies and market reach. For self-published authors, eBooks often present a more lucrative option due to better royalties and lower expenses. Still, success depends on effective sales strategies and audience preferences.

A balanced approach that offers both formats can help authors maximize earnings by catering to different reader preferences and expanding their audience reach.

The genre of eBook that sells the most can vary significantly depending on market trends, reader demographics, and platforms. However, some genres consistently perform well in terms of sales across major eBook platforms like Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books. These top-selling genres often include:

  1. Romance: Particularly contemporary romance, erotic romance, and romantic suspense. This genre has a vast and dedicated reader base, with eBooks offering anonymity and convenience.
  2. Mystery/Thriller/Suspense:  Capturing readers with engaging stories that keep them guessing.It includes sub-genres like crime novels, psychological thrillers, and detective fiction.
  3. Science Fiction and Fantasy:  With a loyal following, readers are eager for both epic fantasy worlds and speculative science fiction tales.
  4. Self-Help/Personal Development:  Popular for their accessibility and the private nature of consuming self-help content digitally.
  5. Health, Fitness, and Dieting: With an ongoing interest in personal well-being, eBooks covering health topics, diets, and fitness plans see consistent sales.

Yes, eBooks are cheaper to publish than physical books due to lower production and distribution costs. Without the need for paper, ink, or physical printing, eBooks save on material and manufacturing expenses.

Additionally, they eliminate the costs associated with shipping, handling, and storing physical inventory. Digital distribution allows for a global reach without the logistical and financial challenges of transporting physical books.

While both eBooks and physical books may require investment in professional editing, cover design, and formatting, the absence of physical production and distribution costs makes eBooks significantly more cost-effective.

This affordability and ease of distribution make eBooks particularly appealing for independent authors and small publishers aiming to minimize upfront expenses and maximize accessibility to readers worldwide.

Marketing ChannelReachEngagement RateCost-EffectivenessSuitability for Ebook GenreRequired EffortTypical ROI
Social MediaHighMedium to HighHighAll genresMedium to HighHigh
Email MarketingMediumHighMedium to HighAll genres, especially for established audiencesMediumHigh
Content MarketingMedium to HighHighMediumAll genres, especially non-fiction and educationalHighMedium to High
Paid AdvertisingHighLow to MediumLow to MediumAll genres, especially new releasesLow to MediumVariable
Influencer CollaborationsHighHighLow to HighParticularly effective for niche genresMedium to HighHigh


Channel Details:

  • Social Media: Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer vast reach and high engagement, especially with targeted campaigns. They’re cost-effective and suitable for all genres but require consistent effort to maintain presence and engage with the audience.
  • Email Marketing: Sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers is known for high engagement, particularly with readers who have shown interest in your work. It requires building and maintaining an email list and creating compelling content.
  • Content Marketing: Includes blogging, SEO, and creating valuable content to attract and retain an audience. It’s especially useful for non-fiction and educational ebooks, offering a potentially high ROI through organic search traffic but requiring significant effort in content creation.
  • Paid Advertising: Using paid ads on platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook, or Amazon can provide immediate reach. It’s suitable for all genres but requires a budget, and the ROI can vary greatly depending on the effectiveness of the ad campaign.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers who have a strong following in your ebook’s niche can drive high engagement and reach. The cost can vary widely, and it requires effort in finding the right influencers and negotiating collaborations.

Pricing StrategyProsConsSuitable GenresImpact on Sales VolumeImpact on Revenue
Premium PricingCan signal higher qualityMay deter price-sensitive readersNiche, non-fiction, high-value contentLowerHigher
Penetration PricingAttracts readers quicklyLower margins per bookMost genres, especially competitive onesHigherLower initially, potential for higher long-term
FreemiumBuilds an audience; low barrier to entryEarnings depend on upsellingSeries, educational content, appsHigherVaries widely
Dynamic PricingMaximizes revenue through market demandRequires constant monitoring and adjustmentAll, particularly those with fluctuating popularityVariesHigher
FreeMaximum accessibility; builds readershipNo direct earnings from the bookPromotional, first in a series, lead generationHighestNone directly, potential indirect earnings


Strategy Details

  • Premium Pricing: Setting the price higher than the average market rate, suggesting that the book offers superior value. This strategy works well for books with established authors or specialized content that readers cannot easily find elsewhere.
  • Penetration Pricing: Introducing the book at a low price to quickly attract a large number of readers and gain market share. It’s useful for new authors or in highly competitive genres to establish a foothold.
  • Freemium: Offering basic content for free while charging for premium content. This could mean giving away the first book in a series for free to sell subsequent titles or providing a free ebook with the option to purchase additional resources or services.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Adjusting the price of the ebook based on demand, competition, and other market factors. This requires close attention to market trends and the flexibility to change prices as needed.
  • Free: Offering the ebook for free, which can be particularly effective for promotional purposes, to introduce new readers to an author’s work, or to generate leads for other products or services.

Ebook FormatCompatibilityFile SizeReflowable TextSupport for MultimediaDRM Restrictions
EPUBWidely compatible with most e-readers except KindleSmall to MediumYesYesYes, supports Adobe DRM and others
PDFUniversal compatibilityLargeNoYes, but not optimal for small screensYes, can be secured with passwords and encryption
MOBIPrimarily Kindle devices and appsSmall to MediumYesLimitedYes, supports Amazon’s DRM
AZWExclusive to Kindle devices and appsSmall to MediumYesYesYes, proprietary Amazon DRM


Format Details:

  • EPUB: This format is the most widely supported and is ideal for text-centric books as well as those with images, tables, and even some interactive elements. It’s reflowable, which means the content can adjust to fit different screen sizes, improving readability on various devices.
  • PDF: Known for preserving the exact layout and formatting of the original document, making it suitable for complex layouts like those found in textbooks, manuals, and graphic novels. However, its lack of reflowability can make it challenging to read on small screens.
  • MOBI: Primarily used for older Kindle devices, it supports complex content like tables and images and offers a degree of reflowability. However, it’s less commonly used with the advent of the AZW format and Kindle’s support for EPUB.
  • AZW: Developed by Amazon for Kindle readers, this format supports all the features necessary for a rich reading experience, including text reflowability, images, and interactive elements. It’s designed to work seamlessly with Amazon’s ecosystem but is not compatible with non-Kindle devices.
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