Audiobook Self-Publishing Services For Independent Authors | Izzard Ink

Audiobook Self-Publishing

With Izzard Ink’s audio publishing services and access to experienced and professional talent, we can easily produce a top-notch audio version of your books.

How Do You Get An Audiobook Published

Creating an audiobook involves several critical steps, from pre-production planning to marketing and distribution. Here’s a comprehensive guide based on the insights from the previously shared document and additional information relevant to the audiobook creation process.



  1. Choose the Right Book: Not all books translate well into audiobook format. Narrative-driven, non-visual content typically works best.
  2. Understand Your Audience: Knowing your target audience’s preferences can help personalize your production and marketing efforts.
  3. Select a Narrator: Consider using a professional voice actor, especially for fiction. For non-fiction, the author might be the best choice to create a more authentic connection with the listeners.
  4. Obtain Necessary Rights: If you’re not the author, ensure you have the rights to create an audiobook version of the work.


  1. Prepare the Manuscript: This involves editing the text for spoken word, which may include modifying sentence structure or omitting visual elements that don’t translate well into audio.
  2. Recording: This step requires a quiet, acoustically treated space to ensure high-quality audio. Professional equipment is necessary to capture clear, crisp sound.
  3. Editing and Post-Production: After recording, the audio needs editing to remove mistakes, pauses, and any unwanted sounds. Then, mastering is applied to ensure the audio meets industry standards for loudness and clarity.
  4. Quality Check: It’s crucial to listen to the entire audiobook for any missed errors or inconsistencies.

Publishing and Distribution

  1. Choose a Distribution Platform: Options include exclusive distribution through platforms like Audible (via ACX) or wide distribution through partners that place your audiobook in multiple stores.
  2. ISBNs and Metadata: Obtain ISBNs for your audiobook and ensure your metadata (title, author, narrator, publisher, and description) is accurate and compelling to improve discoverability.

Marketing and Promotion

  1. Social Media: Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to build anticipation and engage with potential listeners.
  2. Email Marketing: If you have an email list, create a campaign to announce the release of your audiobook.
  3. Reviews: Encourage listeners to leave reviews on platforms where your audiobook is sold. Positive reviews can significantly impact sales.
  4. Promo Video: A well-crafted promotional video shared on social media or your website can generate interest.
  5. Podcasts and Interviews: These can help you reach potential listeners within your genre or subject matter.
  6. Promotional Codes: Many platforms allow you to give away a number of free copies to reviewers or as part of a promotion.
  7. Bundle with eBooks and Print Books: Offering the audiobook at a discount when purchased with the eBook or print version can increase sales.

Reasons To Publish An Audiobook With Us

Google Play Books
Subscription Cost
No subscription; pay per book
Catalog Size
Over 200,000 titles
Unlimited access to selected titles; overall larger library
Millions of ebooks, audiobooks vary
Over 150,000 titles
Exclusive Titles
Yes, significant number of Audible Originals
No, but offers a wide range of books, magazines, and documents
No exclusive audiobooks, but a vast selection of purchasable titles
No, focuses on supporting local bookstores
Free Trial Period
30 days
30 days
N/A (No subscription model)
30 days
Worldwide, with some geographic restrictions
Over 100 countries
Available in many countries, but selection varies
Primarily USA and Canada
User Interface
User-friendly with advanced features, like WhisperSync
User-friendly, with easy access to ebooks, audiobooks, and documents in one subscription
Clean and straightforward, integrates well with other Google services
User-friendly, focuses on supporting local bookstores with each purchase
Return Policy
Easy exchanges for members
Not applicable due to subscription model
Depends on Google's policy, usually quite strict
Returns not typically available, varies by bookstore
Device Compatibility
iOS, Android, Amazon devices, web
iOS, Android, web
iOS, Android, web, compatible eReaders
iOS, Android, web
Age Group
Primarily 25-44
Primarily 18-44
Wide range, 18-65
Primarily 25-44
Inclined towards male audience
Inclined towards female audience
Key Interests
Business, self-help, fiction
Diverse, including fiction, non-fiction
Tech, educational, fiction
Fiction, non-fiction, supporting local bookstores
Income Level
Middle to high
Middle to high
Middle to high

How Much Does It Cost To Publish An Audiobook

Cost Component
DIY (Do It Yourself)
Professional Services
Average Cost Range
Included Services/Considerations
Free - Low
$200 - $900 per finished hour
$1,000 - $6,000+ for a typical book*
Professional narration, editing, and mastering. Costs vary by narrator's experience and demand.
Editing and Mastering
Free - Moderate
$100 - $300 per finished hour
$500 - $3,000+ for a typical book
Professional audio editing to remove mistakes, breath sounds, etc., and mastering to meet publishing standards.
Production Costs
Low - Moderate
Included in professional services
Included in narration and editing costs
Equipment (if DIY), software for recording and editing. Professional services bundle this with narration and editing.
Distribution Fees
$0 - $200+ upfront, plus royalties
Fees depend on the distribution platform (ACX, Findaway Voices, etc.). Some platforms take a cut of royalties instead of upfront fees.
Cover Art
Free - Low
$100 - $500+
$0 - $500+
A high-quality cover that meets specific audiobook platform requirements. Prices vary by designer.
Marketing and Promotion
$0 - $1,000+
Costs can include promotional materials, advertising, and social media campaigns. Can vary widely based on strategy.


  • Average Cost Range for a Typical Book:  Expect a range of costs for audiobook production, typically based on a book length of around 10 hours, a common duration for novels and non-fiction works.
  • DIY Costs:  While DIY audiobook creation can have lower expenses, especially if the author handles narration, editing, and mastering, it demands substantial time and skill investment.
  • Professional Services:  Opting for experienced professionals offers superior quality but implies higher expenses. Costs per finished hour (PFH) for narration can vary, depending on the narrator’s expertise and reputation.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an audiobook?

An audiobook is a recorded narration of a book, available in various formats like CDs or digital downloads. It enables listening to literature while multitasking, benefiting those with visual impairments or anyone seeking convenience. Narration can be done by authors, voice actors, or multiple actors, spanning genres from fiction to non-fiction. Their popularity has grown due to the immersive and accessible experience they offer.

Yes, you need copyright permission to make an audiobook unless the work is your own or in the public domain. Creating an audiobook is considered producing a derivative work, thus requiring permission from the copyright holder to avoid infringement, unless you already hold the rights or the work is free of copyright restrictions.

Genre Popularity (Estimated) Typical Audience Characteristics Notable Features
Fiction High Broad demographic, enjoys storytelling Includes sub-genres like mystery, romance, sci-fi
Non-Fiction Moderate to High Adults looking for self-improvement or knowledge Sub-genres include history, biography, self-help
Self-Help Moderate Adults seeking personal growth Focus on motivational content and life skills
Fantasy/Sci-Fi High Young adults to adults, fans of speculative fiction Rich world-building, often series-based
Mystery/Thriller High Adults who enjoy suspense and puzzles Fast-paced, often involves crime or espionage
Romance Moderate to High Primarily women, wide age range Focuses on relationships and emotional growth
Business/Economics Moderate Professionals and students in related fields Insights into economics, personal finance, and entrepreneurship
History Moderate Adults with an interest in past events Broad range, from ancient to modern history
Biographies/ Memoirs Moderate Broad demographic, interested in personal stories Life stories of notable individuals
Children’s Books Moderate Children and parents Educational content, storytelling, character building

Selecting the ideal platform to sell audiobooks involves balancing exposure against royalties. Audible/ACX dominates the market,  offering extensive visibility but claiming up to 60% in royalties. Platforms like Sellfy and similar self-hosted options allow for direct sales with higher profit margins but require more marketing effort to attract buyers. While Audible ensures a broad audience, Sellfy offers increased control and higher returns per sale. The decision largely depends on the author’s marketing capabilities and financial objectives. Established platforms are best for reach, whereas self-hosted solutions proritize profitability and control.

The global audiobook market, valued at over $5.3 billion in 2022, is projected to reach $35 billion by 2030, growing annually by 26.4%. In contrast, the broader book publishing market is set to grow by 1.9% yearly. Audiobook revenue, comprising 3.8% of book publishing revenue in 2022, is expected to increase significantly, reaching over 21.3% by 2030. In the US, audiobook sales surpassed $1.81 billion in 2022, with fiction titles leading sales. Up to 45% of adult Americans, around 116.25 million, listened to an audiobook in 2021, showing a growing trend in audiobook consumption across all age groups, particularly among young adults.

Producing an audiobook can involve significant investment, with costs averaging around $700+ per finished hour. This covers expenses for narration, editing, and quality checking. For a standard ten-hour audiobook, the total production cost can reach approximately $7,000+. These figures highlight the financial commitment required for high-quality audiobook production.

Yes, authors do receive royalties from library audiobooks. In the Izzard Ink distribution network, we work with libraries.  The payment structure for library audiobooks can differ from traditional sales. Libraries often acquire audiobooks through licensing agreements that outline borrowing and listening terms. These agreements are typically managed by specialized platforms like OverDrive.

The royalty model for library audiobooks usually involves one of the following methods:

  1. Per-Checkout Royalty: Authors receive a small royalty each time the audiobook is borrowed. While this ensures ongoing compensation, the per-checkout payment is usually lower than standard royalties.
  2. One-Time Purchase: Libraries buy the audiobook at a higher upfront cost, allowing multiple checkouts. Authors receive a royalty from the initial purchase but not subsequent checkouts.
  3. Limited Checkouts or Time-Based Licenses: Libraries may purchase licenses with checkout limits or for a specific duration. Additional royalties are earned if the library repurchases the license after reaching the limit or expiration.

Yes, authors can self-publish audiobooks. Deciding whether to narrate depends on various factors. Professional narrators can enhance the audiobook with skilled voice modulation and character portrayal, crucial for fiction.

For non-fiction, especially personal stories, author narration can add authenticity. Costs are a consideration; professional narration can be expensive, but self-narration requires investment in equipment and editing.

Time and effort are significant, as quality narration demands practice and skill. Audience preference varies; some may enjoy the personal touch of author narration, especially for autobiographical content. Ultimately, the choice hinges on the author’s abilities, budget, and book genre.

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