Self Publishing Services: Books, Ebooks, Audiobooks | Izzard Ink

Self Book Publishing Services

Personalized publishing and collaboration fuel extraordinary books and lasting author partnerships!

Book Publishing Packages

Get “A Plan” Manuscript Assessment

Go beyond simple critiques. Our experienced editors provide detailed, specific comments and recommendations for your manuscript.

This is valuable for targeted revisions, ensuring you address core issues without getting lost in a sea of overwhelming feedback. Get input that’s not only insightful, but actionable!

Don’t navigate the publishing landscape alone. This assessment offers you a valuable head start, providing insights from experienced professionals on industry standards, market trends and reader expectations.

Additionally, gain:

  • valuable knowledge;
  • understand potential pitfalls;
  • receive guidance on maximizing your book’s marketability.

Gain clarity with specific examples and recommendations within your text, highlighting both strengths and areas needing attention. In this way, we facilitate targeted improvements to your writing style and narrative structure.

See how specific phrases or plot points land and receive tangible suggestions to refine your writing and improve the reader experience.

Our proprietary AI technology assists in the analysis, providing additional data-driven insights, such as writing style, pacing and engagement, to complement the editor’s expertise.

This combination of human intuition and digital analysis ensures a comprehensive understanding of your manuscript’s potential.

Connect with our lead editor for a personalized 30-minute meeting. Discuss on:

  • assessment findings;
  • clarify any questions;
  • work together to develop an action plan specifically designed with your vision and goals in mind.

Take this opportunity to have access to an experienced professional and offer on the spot insights to generate more exact input.

Solidify your next steps with a clear, actionable plan. This comprehensive document not only outlines goals and pinpoints potential issues, but also offers a perspective to understand your target audience.

With attention to detail, we establish a path towards publication success, ensuring every aspect of your manuscript is primed for maximum impact and resonance in the market.

Discoverability is key as our manuscript assessment goes beyond surface-level feedback.

We provide detailed keyword research and BISAC category exploration, equipping your action plan with SEO-optimized elements, ensuring that your story stands out in online searches and attracts ideal readers with attention to detail and effectiveness.

Get “Polished Editing” Package

Our team consists of editors with years, often decades, of experience in major publishing houses.

They understand the industry’s nuances and have the expertise, gained through years of refining manuscripts across various genres and styles. Their eye for detail will bring your manuscript to professional standards.

We match you with an editor who understands your book’s genre (even if it’s a cookbook) and target audience. This ensures your manuscript receives feedback that aligns with genre expectations and resonates with your ideal readers.

You will also benefit from the editor’s experience and knowledge of the publishing industry, as they will help you craft a compelling pitch and write a captivating blurb.

Choose from up to three editor profiles to find the one who best clicks with your writing style and vision. This personalized approach ensures a collaborative editing experience that adapts to your specific needs.

You will also have the opportunity to:

  • communicate with your chosen editor throughout the editing process;
  • share your feedback and preferences;
  • ask any questions you may have.

Focus on your writing while we handle logistics. Our team takes care of all project management aspects, ensuring a smooth workflow.

Trust us to keep you informed at every stage of the process, providing transparency as we work on your publishing project. You can concentrate on your craft, while we handle the rest.

Communication is key. Discuss your goals and vision with your chosen editor, building a collaborative relationship that fosters understanding and ensures the end product reflects your creative intent.

Also receive regular updates and feedback from your editor, as well as suggestions on how to improve your writing skills and techniques.

Perfection takes time. Our package includes multiple rounds of edits and revisions, allowing for in-depth feedback and targeted improvements.

This iterative process ensures your manuscript receives the attention it deserves, resulting in a polished final product. With our attention to detail, you can trust that your work will captivate readers and leave a lasting impression.

A clear roadmap keeps everyone on track towards the desired outcomes. Your editor receives an action plan which clearly outlines your goals and specific areas of focus.

This ensures alignment, making sure that every edit has a purpose, and guarantees the editing process is in line with your overall vision.

Our commitment extends beyond the final edit. Once your manuscript is polished, your editor can offer additional guidance on other aspects of your publishing journey, such as marketing and platform building.

You will also have access to a network of professionals and resources that can help you with publishing, distribution, and promotion of your book.

Get “Ink’d Publishing” Package

  • Coordinates your team
  • Guides you through each step
  • Offers personalized service and guidance for the entire project

A comprehensive review for typos and errors by an experienced proofreader
(in addition to a second proofread as part of the design process)

  • Choose your designer from up to three cover designers that have worked on multiple #1 bestsellers
  • Competitive analysis of covers of comparable titles
  • Three to five cover concepts
  • Three cover revisions
  • eBook Cover in Adobe InDesign
  • Paperback cover mechanicals in Adobe InDesign
  • Hardback cover mechanicals in Adobe InDesign available for an additional fee
  • Print covers formatted for print-on-demand
  • Final proofread of cover
  • Final InDesign source files
  • Manuscript formatted for designer
  • One design concept coordinated with cover design
  • One interior design revision
  • Design specifications (you can think of this a blueprint for book design)
  • Professional typesetting in Adobe InDesign
  • Layout including 25 images, with additional images for extra fee
  • Final proofread of designed PDF
  • First Pass review (Designer will review to make sure design is correct and author has a chance to review and make changes)
  • Second Pass review (one last review before printing)
  • eBook in ePub format, based on print design, for major retailers
  • Art log (for books like cookbooks and art books to ensure art is accounted for and formatted correctly)
  • Index
  • Final InDesign source files
  • Retailer keyword optimization
  • Place your eBook on all the major online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble
  • Place your print book into the Ingram distribution network available to 39,000 brick and mortar bookstores worldwide
  • Use our logo, and have your book added to our catalog and bookstore
  • List your book for one year in the Edelweiss catalog
  • Izzard takes an industry standard distribution fee: 10 percent of MSRP for eBooks and one dollar for print and audio books
  • One year-end tax form
  • Monthly detailed royalty statement automatically emailed
  • We’ll work behind the scenes for your book, finding opportunities in our publishing networks

Hands-on distribution is available instead, if you’d prefer to bring your book to another distributor or handle things yourself.

  • Smart metadata for SEO
  • Basic marketing consultation
  • Pick from two: Facebook, Twitter, or Amazon A+ Content banners based on cover design
  • Two non-trade book reviews
  • Professionally edited book description and about the author bio
  • Ability to sell eBook and print book directly from your website with third-party fulfillment (with no retailer fee when you sell the book yourself)
  • Support in considering audience, selling points, and comparable titles
  • File with the Library of Congress
  • registration
  • Issue an ISBN for each edition

Get “Out There” Marketing Options

Having your book assessed by professional reviewers and publications is a great way to generate buzz and excitement around it and comes with the benefits of reaching a wider audience and building credibility.

Our package includes opportunities to get your work looked at by both print and online reviewers.

Radio interviews are a great way to engage with audiences, drive interest in and awareness towards what you’re working on.

You also can:

  • showcase your personality;
  • share your story;
  • answer questions from listeners.

Radio interviews can help you reach your public, increase your credibility, and generate interest for your book.

  • Choose your designer from up to three cover designers that have worked on multiple #1 bestsellers
  • Competitive analysis of covers of comparable titles
  • Three to five cover concepts
  • Three cover revisions
  • eBook Cover in Adobe InDesign
  • Paperback cover mechanicals in Adobe InDesign
  • Hardback cover mechanicals in Adobe InDesign available for an additional fee
  • Print covers formatted for print-on-demand
  • Final proofread of cover
  • Final InDesign source files

Appear on TV to attract and entertain viewers and increase your book’s exposure and popularity. You also have the chance to:

  • demonstrate your expertise;
  • share your insights;
  • interact with hosts and guests.

TV appearances can help you boost your reputation, reach a large and varied audience, and create a lasting impression for your book.

Get ready for media exposure with professional training and learn how to showcase your book with confidence and skill. You will also acquire techniques to:

  • communicate clearly;
  • handle challenging questions;
  • engage with your audience.

Media training can help you enhance your image, deliver your message, and promote your work successfully.

Establish your credibility and influence by writing guest posts for relevant blogs and sharing your knowledge and perspective on your genre. You also have the chance to connect with other bloggers, readers, and fans, and expand your network and reach.

Guest blogging can help you:

  • build your reputation;
  • showcase your book;
  • attract more interest and attention.

Keep track of the marketing results with frequent reports, ensuring clarity and responsibility at every stage. You can also provide feedback, ask questions, and make suggestions.

Reporting can help you:

  • monitor the performance;
  • evaluate the effectiveness;
  • improve the strategy of your marketing campaign.

Gain exposure and recognition by securing print and online media opportunities and feature your book in reputable publications and platforms. You also have the chance to reach a wider and more diverse audience and generate interest and curiosity.

Print and online media opportunities can help you:

  • increase your visibility;
  • boost sales;
  • establish your brand.

Who Is Our Ideal Author?

Several traits characterize the ideal Izzard Ink client who gets the highest level of success out of our processes and methods:


Valuing Expertise and Quality: Recognizes the importance of professional publishing, understanding that a book’s success hinges on the quality of its content, cover, and overall presentation.


Commitment to the Full Publishing Process: Ready to engage in all stages of publishing, from initial manuscript assessment to final distribution, appreciating the value added at each step.


Active Participation and Effort: Willing to invest personal effort and time, understanding that publishing a great book is a collaborative and meticulous process.


Openness to Feedback and Learning: Embraces constructive criticism and expert advice, realizing that this guidance enhances their work and furthers their writing skills.


Trust in the Process and the Team: Believes in the collaborative approach of Izzard Ink, understanding the importance of working closely with the publishing team for the best results.


Alignment with Izzard Ink’s Values: Shares the core values of Izzard Ink, including collaboration, trust, curiosity, and a commitment to creating impactful content.

Book Publishing Successful Story

After two decades of dedication to Radio Free Olympia and not seeing an end, Jeffrey Dunn’s writing journey was transformed through Izzard Ink’s manuscript assessment and action plan. This pivotal collaboration allowed Jeffrey to address challenges, handpicking his publishing team effectively. This strategic partnership culminated in his book becoming an editor’s pick (top 10% of reviews), leading to a feature on NPR and exposure to over 6.9 million listeners. Jeffrey’s story is a testament to the power of expert guidance and targeted strategies in bringing literary visions to life.

Book Publishing Services Pricing

Izzard Ink Publishing (Collaborative Publishing)
Leading Hybrid Publisher
Leading Do It Yourself Publisher
Marketplace Publisher
Leading Traditional Publisher
Leading Vanity Publisher
Pricing Structure
$15,000 to $40,000+
$38,000 to $135,000+
Free, No Editing Provided Outside Spell Check
$100 to $70,000+
Authors Get an Advance
$8,000 to $20,000+ (No Publicist)
Genre Specialization
All Genres
All Genres
All Genres
All Genres
All Genres
Comprehensive Publishing Management
Depends on Which Tier
Author Copyright Ownership
100% of the Text, Design is Publishers
Team Selection Flexibility
Alignment with Author's Vision and Strategy
Customized Marketing Solutions
Yes, with Author Paying for It
Publicist and PR Firm Collaboration
Yes, with Author Paying for It
End-to-End Distribution Service
Yes, Amazon Only
Yes, 7%-15% of MSRP Goes to the Author
Focus on Exceptional Content
Yes and No, Depends on the Author
Time Frame
3-9+ Months
6-12+ Months
72 Hours (No Editing)
1 Week to 12+ Months
12-24+ Months
2-4+ Months (No Editing)

Advantages Of A Full Get Ink'd Publishing Package

Izzard Ink’s packages offer a more effective approach to book publishing compared to standalone services. By integrating every aspect of publishing, from initial marketing strategies before editing to cohesive cover and interior design, these packages ensure a unified vision for your book. This unified approach is vital for effectively targeting the right audience throughout the publishing process. The result? A remarkable 83% of Izzard Ink’s authors secure literary reviews within the top 15%. This comprehensive and holistic strategy sets Izzard Ink’s packages apart, leading to superior outcomes for authors.

Authors Who Trust Us

Ready to Make Your Move?

No matter where you are on your publishing journey, we’re here to support and guide you toward success.

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Political Science



Coffee Table Books


(and many others)



Science Fiction

Historical Fiction

Thriller Suspense





(and many others)