Whiskey Rebel | Izzard Ink
Jeffrey Dunn

Whiskey Rebel

Step into the outlandish world of Moses Coulee, a rugged western high desert landscape nestled in Washington’s Columbia Basin, where the pursuit of freedom takes center stage in Jeffrey Dunn’s irreverent and innovative literary fiction novel, Whiskey Rebel.


A shell-shocked soldier returns home, questioning the very meaning of American freedom.

While panning for gold, Iraq-war veteran Punxie Tawney meets Hamilton Chance, a barefoot, manic, obsessive drummer with a burning desire—to distill tax-free whiskey just like his forefathers during the American Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. The two join forces, set up shop in the rugged high desert of Washington’s Columbia Basin, and begin producing Westcoulatum Good Goddamned 1794 Freedom Whiskey. But soon their alcohol-fueled idyll is disrupted by Cherry, a.k.a. the Aphrodite of Wenatchee, and her best friend Loyalhanna, a woman so traumatized by her past that she refuses to speak to men. Plus there’s the indigenous hustler, Sam the Man, and before long, out where “the rattlesnakes lie out in sage leaf bikinis,” the cast of quirky characters discovers that freedom is not a one-size-fits-all concept.

Drawing inspiration from the annals of U.S. history, Jeffrey Dunn’s literary novel Whiskey Rebel paints a riveting portrait of characters left behind by the American dream, engaging readers in a thought-provoking tale about identity, freedom, and the ongoing pursuit of happiness.

Category: Literary Fiction
Release date: May 6, 2025
Page size: 5.5″ x 8.5″
Word count: 48,690
Estimated page count: 212


Jeffrey Dunn

About The Author

Jeffrey Dunn, featured on NPR and Medium, is the author of the critically acclaimed Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance and Radio Free Olympia. He advocates for educational reform, drawing on his award-winning forty-one-year teaching career, his Ph.D. in Cultural Studies and English Literature, and his experience with dyslexia.


Whiskey Rebel
Carol Thompson
for Readers’ Favorite
“Jeffrey Dunn’s writing style is poetic and gritty, capturing the American landscape’s raw beauty and his characters’ complex emotions.”
D. Donovan
Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
“Steeped in dialogues and characters that forcefully turn their lives from anticipated trajectories, Whiskey Rebel is quite simply a delightful, highly recommended read.”
Publishers Weekly/BookLife Review
“Dunn’s writing strikes a perfect balance between poetic lyricism and grounded storytelling, capturing the essence of the American spirit, with historical references—particularly those tied to the Whiskey Rebellion—that are meticulously researched and deepen understanding of the characters’ motivations.”

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Whiskey Rebel