The Naked Communist By W. Cleon Skousen - Izzard Ink
W. Cleon Skousen

The Naked Communist

The Naked Communist exposes the pervasive influence of communism, detailing its history, ideology, and threats to democracy. This seminal work provides crucial insights and strategies to safeguard freedom and counteract communist agendas.


The Unseen War: The Ongoing Fight Against Communism

The Naked Communist: Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom by W. Cleon Skousen is a must-read for anyone determined to uncover the pervasive influence of communism throughout history and its alarming relevance today. This seminal work offers an unparalleled exploration into the depths of communist ideology, shedding light on the Red Threat and its far-reaching implications for global politics and personal freedoms. Skousen’s meticulous research and gripping narrative expose the insidious strategies of communism, making this book an indispensable resource for understanding and countering this enduring menace.

For decades, The Naked Communist has been a staple in the library of those seeking to understand the true nature of communism. From the Cold War era to the present, Skousen meticulously chronicles the rise and spread of Marxism, providing a comprehensive history of communism under leaders like Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. Through detailed historical analysis, the book uncovers strategic Communist Goals designed to undermine democratic institutions and constitutional freedoms worldwide. Notably, the 45 Communist Goals outlined in the book have become some of the most quoted and referenced elements, highlighting their enduring relevance and impact.

The Naked Communist stands out among anti-communist books for its in-depth critique of Marxist theory and its revelations about the ideological warfare waged by communist regimes. Skousen illustrates how communist tactics erode political freedom and societal values, exposing the deceptive allure of the Communist Manifesto and the brutal reality of Soviet history.

President Ronald Reagan praised Skousen’s work, stating, “No one is better qualified to discuss the threat to this nation from communism.” Dr. Ben Carson also endorsed the book: “The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive agenda. You would think by reading it that it was written last year.”

In an era where global communism threatens democracy, The Naked Communist offers invaluable insights and practical strategies for fighting communism and safeguarding our freedoms. With its compelling narrative and critical analysis, this book is essential for scholars, historians, and anyone committed to understanding and combating the insidious spread of communist ideology.

Category: Non-Fiction
Release date: 15 Apr, 2017
Page size: 6″x 9″
Word count: 140000
Estimated page count: 452


W. Cleon Skousen

About The Author

W. Cleon Skousen (1913-2006) was a prominent American author, historian, and scholar known for his extensive work on political theory and history. A former FBI agent and university professor, Skousen authored several influential books, including The Naked Communist, a seminal work on communist ideology. His writings, which have empowered millions with a deeper understanding of the principles of freedom and the dangers of totalitarianism, have earned him widespread recognition as a leading voice in anti-communist literature. Skousen’s legacy continues to inspire and inform defenders of liberty worldwide.


The Naked Communist
President Ronald Reagan
“No one is better qualified to discuss the threat to this nation from communism. You will be alarmed, you will be informed, and you’ll be glad you heard him.”
Glenn Beck
Host of the nationally syndicated Glenn Beck Radio Program
“I went back and I read The Naked Communist, and at the end of that, Skousen predicted [that] someday soon you won’t be able to find the truth in schools or in libraries or anywhere else because it won’t be in print anymore. So, you must collect those books. It’s an idea I read from Cleon Skousen from his book in the 1950s, The Naked Communist, where he talked about [how] someday the history of this country’s going to be lost because it’s going to be hijacked by intellectuals and communists and everything else. And I think we’re there.”
J. Edgar Hoover
First Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
“I feel certain that your efforts on this important subject will receive widespread attention and consideration.”

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The Naked Communist